The High Concept Model
1. "Post-generic" Filmmaking
Film genres have changed alot from the begining of film. Modern Hollywood films now use a style called "Post-generic" film which is a hybrid of diffrent generes in Hollywood production. Top Gun is a cross between action, drama and romance. Mixing all three genres together, Top Gun is an excititng and enjoyable film that any action fan will enjoy. The audiecne watching the film were excited to see a hybrid film, not just the action of the planes, or a story line involving the main charters, plus a love story between the teacher and the pupil. Top Gun is exciting and audiences were not disapointed.
2. Use of extended montages
In high concept flims, extended montages are becoming more and more common. An extended montage is used to show passing of time, they normaly have a 3 minuete song playing in the background and is always has some significantce to the scene. Ectended montages are used for people who are training to do something. An example of a montage that tells the audience of a life is in the film UP: This is a link to the montage. The films starts with two children charters and then moves onto the montage of their life together. From this short 4 minuets thier whole life is summed up. The montage sets the pace for the whole film and answers and lot of questions. The montage sums up a large story very quickly. There is a montage at the begining of Top Gun of the planes being prepared to fly while the opening credits are on screne. The audience can see what the film is about straghit away and know about what is happening and what they are doing.
3. Production Design Frequently

4. Easily Replicated in Publicity
Trailers are designed to give the story line away but not the ending. Top Gun's trailers has some parts of one scene and also introduces the main chacters in the movie. :Link to the Trailer. In the Top Gun trailer we see a scene in which Marverick says he is going to be on the wall of fame, and the teacher says he likes that attidue. The audience can see the draw to the film and the likable factor of Maverick's character. The trailer was infulenced to draw in an audeince of action film lovers and romance lovers and the trailer said it all.
5. Formal Excess
The camera work in Top Gun are excting and are editided together really well to make an exciting feel as if you are on the place. Some cameras are on the wing of the plane so make and makes the audience feel as though they are flying on the plane. The camera angles in the flying scenes are fast moving and over-the-top. Making the film's prime scenes some of the best in the film.
6. Music Track interrupts.
High concept films use music to draw your attention from the action which is going on. The music makes sense to the scene and creates it's own nartative. In the scene where Charlie and Maverick are getting together ....
Will continue this at home
Good work but must be completed. An excellent and thorough start.