Thursday, 1 October 2009

Editing- Prince Caspian

When all the scenes from the set have been filmed, they need to be edited together to make sense. Normally, a person will have to go trough hours of film to make the final cut and edit out all the unwanted parts of footage. Editing can take along time to do, and normally films come out 6 months after they have been filmed due to editing and sound editing.
What normally makes a film really good is the way it has been edited together, it gets dull with the camera on a single person and not really moving to anyone else. For an example of some editing I thought was really good is The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.
I think it has come to the time were I have to admit an obsession (other than Twilight) I have with films. My favourite part in a movie like Narnia or the Lord of the Rings is part before the battle. When I was little I liked the idea of good guys and bad guys and loved how the camera showed each aspect of the each side and the idea of so many people willing to die because of a fight made it much more exciting.
Obsession aside, I really like the editing in this scene from the film. Here we see the narnians getting read to battle the Telmarine army. The editing in this scene I think is amazing!! The way the camera moves around the scene you get a full sense on what is happening and you get a sense that you could be in the scene as someone in the army.

This is the link I am using to describe the battle, its about 4:23 in so you might have to wait for it to load for a bit.
I like how this part of the battle starts with a close up of what the soliders look like, it gives you a sense of what there is to expect. Then it pulls back to a shot of the whole army. This part is good for you can see how many people there are.

Then, there is some close ups of the on coming army and there is a real sense of how big it is. The camera folllows the soliders and than it is cut to an over all shot from behind of the armny.

After seeing every angle of the oncoming army, it is than cut to a reaction shot from the other side. Then, we are cut to a tracking shot of a white horse amoung a group of black horse. The audience know that this charcter is important from the
way the camera cut from one scene to another.
Overall, editing is important in a film and gives the audience an overall feeling of what is happening in a scene and feel like they are in the film.

1 comment:

  1. Once again, an excellent blog! Really like the way you included screen grabs to demonstrate your points!
