Friday, 22 January 2010

Writing the sheet in our own words

"Post-Genetic" Film Making Notes by Izzy and Jess

  • New hollywood films are being charaterisd as 'post-generic' combining both old and new generes to produce something new.
  • People select films and generes and the film industry needs to understand what the audience wants.
  • Some generes advertised in the early 90's were, comedy, romatic comedy, furtirstic thirller, action drama, action thirller, dramatic thiller, romantic adventure, action adventure comedy satire, gangster and musicl's were just some of them.
  • Science fiction can sometimes be labled as a"Futristic thriller".
  • The industry decides on the films genere depending on the audience's emotion, whether the audience laugh, cry or be afraid.
  • There is a diffrent response in male and female, so it's easy to guess what films genders will pefer.
  • An example of a hybrid film is Men in Black (1997) comedy-sceince-fiction and attracted a huuge audience, including the science fiction/cominc fan base. because its funny and stylish it attraced a large audience.
  • Wild Wild West is a comedy westen is a comedy western which didn't please the westen fans and wasn't seen as partically funny.
  • Audience have not loast interst in the pleaseure of genres.
  • In recent years only horror fimls and tean comedy and martial arts have foregrounded their generic roots.
  • The scream series spoofed the post-modern fashion and was followed by the spoof of spoofs scary movie.

:) :)

Thursday, 21 January 2010

How do people select films?

This is what my friend Alice told me about what type of films she likes to see and why!! :)

My friend Alice usally looks to see what Acotrs are in a film and even if she doesn't like the sound of the story she still must see it for the name of the actors in it. Her favorite films to see are films that were writtten as a book and then turned into a flim. Examples are Twilight, Ink Heart and Lord of the Rings. But she says with other films she see the films and then reads the book.

Alice told me she only went to see Avatar after seeing so many good reviews and how it was Number 1 at the box office. She enjoyed Avatar and is think about buying the DVD.